Friday, November 26, 2010

Album Art: And that makes 12

Herewith the last of the album art, and one more song!

Hopefully by next week we'll be able to tell you where to pick up a copy.

An Easy Battle, a Lost War by A Skyline on Fire

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Christmas Card Video

Our sexy friends, Shotopop, slapped this little guy together. We love it.

Please appreciate Werner's continuity in movement.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

So, earlier this year, our dear friends Carin and Casper came over from the SHOTOPOP headquarters in London. They were here to shoot a music video for Christmas Card.

Somewhere between the original idea for the song and the recording, we juiced the song up and molded it into a bit of a rocker. In that process I think we lost sight of how uncomfortable the song made us feel, and was supposed to make us feel.

Thankfully, we are dumb-lucky enough to know friends who didn't forget.

We can't wait to test our relationship with you.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Album Art: Round 2

Here we go with another batch of album art. These are for the songs "Beware", "Christmas Card" and "Loose Thoughts".

Loose Thoughts features the tasty voice of one Mrs. Ola Kobak, from our friends Fulka. Have a listen below.

Loose Thoughts by A Skyline on Fire

Friday, November 5, 2010


Since we are primarily loop-based (hence our “clever” genre-description, if you’ve never noticed or caught up to that yet), we thought we’d present one of our songs in that fashion, rather than putting yet another mp3 up, pre-launch.

We put this little player together on Tuesday night, with most of the loops drawn from the completed song. It took all of the rest of the week to complete the darn thing. We initially wanted it to be html/javascript based, rather than Flash, but we found the javascript version way too unreliable to be fun, especially in certain browsers (IE8myshorts).

Werner even took some birthday time to get this baby done. Happy B-Day buddy!

Follow the link then, to play YOUR version of our song, Up.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Told you we'd be back

Maaike Bakker is gifted :) Check out her blog in our blog-list. She did the artwork for the album, and here is your first look at it. She grabbed a slice of lyrics from each song, and drew squiggly lines to fit. We love it! Thank you Maaike!

Also, we uploaded a song from these three. You hopefully already know Sinners, and you just need to wait a while longer to hear Up.

All for you by A Skyline on Fire

More later :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

“All this time alone is going to take its toll, have to take it slow, going to take it slow.”

Before I could write this update, I had to read my previous post first, to make sure that I’m not backtracking on any previous promises or contradicting myself. It doesn’t seem like I alluded to anything as yet, thankfully.

During the next month, you WILL see more activity from our side. THAT is a promise. If it means that we have to stay up till 2 in the morning, Werner will stay up until 3. If it means clawing each others eyes out over artistic differences, Werner will lose a tooth as well. All of this will be aimed at putting a disk in your hand or an MP3 in your ear, by the end of this year, and maybe entertain you along the way.

I don't want to give too much away now, because I don't want to shoot myself in the foot. Not again. So here is a picture of us looking lost in the woods (notice that we're not looking eye-to-eye):